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Title: O’Brien’s Law: A Romantic Thriller

Author: John McNellis

Publisher: Hubbard House

Format: trade paperback

Published On: Aug. 8, 2022

Set in: San Francisco, CA

In the law offices of Drummond, Upton, and Isherwood, 12 men are attempting to find a solution for the Knox overbilling during a partners’ meeting.

Malcolm Knox, 82, had drowned in his bathtub in his impressive suite filled with museum-quality possessions. Apparently, nothing appeared to be stolen. There had never been a crime during the 13 years he resided there. He also had a floor safe inside a closet, which was cemented to the floor.

During the law firm’s meeting, John Buckley stated that he billed nearly a hundred thousand dollars to the Knox account, as it was time-consuming getting permits for a high-rise construction project. He basically overbilled Knox. On top of that, the nephew could go to the state bar and complain about how his deceased uncle’s estate has not been recovered. The lawyers agree to several resolutions, one of which is having Michael O’Brien, one of their associates, work with the nephew.

Knox’s nephew, John Malcolm Knox, was the trustee for his two sons, who were going to inherit his uncle’s estate. The nephew explains to O’Brien that he feels Teddy Fitzgerald, who served Knox, looted his uncle’s estate. Fifty million in bonds and stock certificates were gone. Knox explained how his uncle built his fortune and how he did things off the books so he didn’t have to pay taxes. The problem is that his uncle didn’t have the paperwork – other than the stocks and bonds – to prove what he was worth. Fitzgerald probates the estate at five million.

O’Brien is warned early on by Gregg Gordon, who works at the firm, to not spend all of his time on the Knox case. To get work from other partners and to put in extra hours. It was also suggested that he put everything in a memo when working for Buckley.

O’Brien had no other choice but to do what he was told. That means working with Knox to get witnesses and evidence that Fitzgerald looted his uncle’s property. But there is so much more involved. For one, O’Brien has a reputation for avoiding working hard. Also, his relationship with his girlfriend ended, and he is eager to start dating a cafe owner.

If anything, O’Brien has a lot to deal with besides Knox. Part of his headache is the firm he works for is trying to get out of a bad situation and putting it all on him. Then Fitzgerald and his lawyer, Patrick Coyle, are uncooperative before the court case, and Buckley wants to handle the next hearing.

I must admit that the ending was a clever way to expose the uncle’s killer. O’Brien is a likable character who has a lot to learn about law, life, and love. I think the author should write a sequel to see if O’Brien learned a thing or two from his experiences. I did catch that, at times, the POVs were mixed together. That was a little distracting.

Four law firm associates out of five

Denise Fleischer

Gotta Write Network Blog

May 27, 2024